Response to feedback on rough cut
"judges gavel is too short" we have taken this into account and we will freeze it when the title appears over it.
"flash backs not distinctive" we understand this, and we are adding filters to this to show the difference.
they felt that the running shot was repetive but good. the reason for the repetitiveness is because it is goping back from flash back into real time, to make it more interesting one shot will have a narration over it.
"stabbing looked fake" we need to pick out the right shots so that the knife doesn't hover in the air.
they felt that it didn't fit in with what is going on, we are going to re make the music once the video is finished so that it fits in time with the visual.
Mise en scene:
"costume could be better" in other shots the costume is more prominant, we felt that our prison convicts costume was suitable, but we will use the other shots which show it clearer.
"flash backs are not distinctive" this will be clearer because we are going to add filters to show difference.
Labels: Steve S. and Cameron F.